UPCOMING EVENTS: Free and open to the public at St. James Methodist Church, 646 DW Hwy, Merrimack!
- August 27th Plant Sale Report
- September 24th Designing a Rain Garden with Lisa Loosigian
- October 22nd TBD
- November Annual Seasonal Floral Workshop MEMBERS ONLY
- December Holiday Social MEMBERS ONLY
The Fun we had last year!
- August 3rd Our Annual Plant Sale !
- July 23 We focused on the final prep for our Annual Plant Sale on August.3rd. Nancy Capen, Plant Sale Organizer Extraordinare, We oput the finishign touches on who does what for setting up and placing plants on their designated tables.
- June 25 - Jean Stefanik, a lifetime member of the NH Orchid Society and accredited American Orchid Society judge with over 10 years of training and numerous national and international shows to her credit will presented a program about how to raise orchids.Jean share dher expertise in raising orchids, how to select a healthy orchid, and how to deal with orchid issues.
- May 28th - Sheila Steele, a UNH Extension Master Gardener, shared her program titled " Go Native! Incorporating Native Plants into Your Landscapes ". Attendees learned where to buy natives and how to use them successfully in their gardens.
- May 4 , Saturday@ 11 AM Plant a Flower for Mother's Day What fun we had helping so many create a pot , plant a flower. and create a special card! See pictures in our photo gallery below!
- April 23rd - Mark Ravenelle from Merrimack presented a program about gardening year round using high tunnels, as well as techniques and gardening systems that support raising vegetables throughout the year.
- March 26th - Our guest speaker from Uncanoonuc Foraging Company, Christine Gagnon spoke to us about foraging for mushrooms . We got the chance to discover the scents of various dried mushrooms, how to use them in our kitchens and which mushrooms to avoid.
- Feb 27th Planning a Cutting Garden with Betsy Golon-Flatten. Betsey is an ethnobotanist and historical herbalist. She was herbalist and director of the herbal internship at Sabbathday Lake Shaker community in Maine for over 20 years and currently serves George Washington’s Virginia estate and gardens as herbalist honorarium. which enabled her to enlighten us with her knowledge.
- Jan 23rd Our planning Meeting for events this year! Those in attendance learned about winter sowing and set up their our started for seeds at home. The link to the directions on Winter sowing is as follows: https:// docs.google.com/document/d/1iJgVtsYHaH9D49aGceKYRAUyZ4FuT_La/edit? usp=sharing&ouid=111393785518993223413&rtpof=true&sd=true